The first issue of volume 79 of Journal of Near Eastern Studies (JNES) is out. Several papers of this issue are related to Iran:
- Sajjad Alibaigi, Shahram Aliyari, John MacGinnis, and Naser Aminikhah – Longitude 45° East: New Evidence for one of the Oldest Political Frontiers in the Ancient World
- Ali Khayani and Kamal Aldin Niknami – Early Bronze Age Clay Sealings from Chogha Maran, the West Central Zagros: A Preliminary Analysis
- Jonathan S. Greer- Drinking the Dregs of the Divine: Daniel 5 and the Motif of “King and Cup” in its Ancient Near Eastern Context
- Josef Wiesehöfer – review of La géographie administrative de l’Empire sassanide: les témoignages épigraphiques en moyen-perse, by Rika Gyselen