Szántó, Iván (ed.). 2015. From Aṣl to Zā’id: Essays in honour of Éva M. Jeremiás (Acta et Studia XIII). Pilis-csaba: The Avicenna Institute of Middle Eastern Studies.
Covering a wide range of subjects within the general field of Iranian studies, this collection of essays consists of contributions by twenty scholars. Most articles concentrate on Persian linguistics.
A number of further essays discuss Persian literature, historiography; religion, science ; and art. The volume contains numerous illustrations, mostly in colour, and it includes a comprehensive bibliography of Éva M. Jeremiás up to 2015.
Table of Contents:
- C. EDMUND BOSWORTH: The poet ‘Asjadī and early Ghaznavid history
- MÁRIA GÓSY: Similarities and differences in the early acquisition of grammar by Persian and Hungarian children
- ELA FILIPPONE: The so-called Old Persian ‘potential construction’ (being Text production strategies and translation strategies in the Achaemenid documentation, III)
- BERT G. FRAGNER: Orientalismus in Abenteuererzählungen aus der frühen Sowjetunion
- CARINA JAHANI: Complex predicates and the issue of transitivity: The case of Southern Balochi
- ANNA KRASNOWOLSKA: The Sarmatian myth and Poland’s nineteenth-century Orientalism
- PAUL LUFT: Authenticity and identity of Qājār poetry on stone and paper
- MARIA MACUCH: Precision orientated legal language in the Sasanian law of inheritance
- ÁGNES NÉMETH: How do young Iranians speak?
- PAOLA ORSATTI: Spoken features in classical Persian texts: subordinate conditional clauses without a conjunction
- ANTONIO CLEMENTE DOMENICO PANAINO: Jesus’ trimorphisms and tetramorphisms in the meeting with the Magi
- ADRIANO V. ROSSI: Diglossia in Persian
- CHRISTINE VAN RUYMBEKE: Sir William Jones and the Anwār-i Suhaylī. Containing a fortuitous but nevertheless essential note on the Orient Pearls
- ‘ALI ASHRAF SADEGHI: Rare forms of personal endings in some Classical Persian texts
- NICHOLAS AND URSULA SIMS-WILLIAMS: Rustam and his zīn-i palang
- IVÁN SZÁNTÓ: Bahāʼ al-Dīn al-‘Amilī and the visual arts
- KATALIN TORMA: Georgius Gentius and the early reception of the Gulistān in Hungary
- ZIVA VESEL: Les figures astrologiques dans les traités persans
- SIBYLLE WENTKER: A visit of the Shah. Vienna and the false Rūznāma of Nāṣir al-Dīn Shah
About the Editor:
Iván Szántó (PhD 2009) is a scholar of Art History with special focus on Iranian Art and staff member of The Institute of Iranian studies at the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW).