
Festschrift Pierfrancesco Callieri

Colliva, Luca, Anna Filigenzi & Luca Maria Olivieri (eds.). 2023. Le forme della città: Iran, Gandhāra e Asia Centrale. Scritti offerti a Pierfrancesco Callieri in occasione del suo 65° compleanno (Serie Orientale Roma, Nuova Serie 34). Roma: ISMEO – Ass. Internazionale di Studi sul Mediterraneo e l’Oriente.

This Festschrift volume is dedicated to Pierfrancesco Callieri, honoring their distinguished contributions to the fields of Iranian Studies. This collection brings together an array of essays by eminent scholars, covering a wide range of topics that reflect the depth and breadth of Callieri’s academic impact. From historical analyses and cultural studies to religious and linguistic explorations and archaeological insights, each contribution not only celebrates Callieri’s legacy but also advances our understanding of these richly diverse regions.

Table of Contents


  • Askari Chaverdi, M. Hasan Talebian, An Analysis on the Functionof Kabah-Ye Zardosht in Naqsh-e Rostam in the ArchaeologicalContext of Shahr-E-Parseh
  • A. Askari Chaverdi, From Seminar to World Heritage List. ArchaeologicalLandscape of Sasanian Fars: Firuzabad, Bishapur, andSarvestan
  • L. Colliva, Dal monumento alla città, una “via mediana” per l’archeologia
  • J. Cuny, Nouvelles « Épaves » de la vaisselle perse en pierre : deuxmortiers de Suse
  • B. Genito, Remains of Domestic Buildings of Probable AchaemenidDate in Eastern Iran
  • S. Gondet, R. Boucharlat, The Firuzi Area within the ArchaeologicalContext of Persepolis: a Reappraisal, Based on Mapping andChronological Remarks
  • W.F.M. Henkelman, Pitch and “All Happiness.” Bitumen in the PersepolisArchives
  • D. Huff, Remarks on the Development of Sasanian Fire Temples
  • E. Matin, From Tol-e Takht to the Persian Gulf. Pierfrancesco Callieriand the Landscapes of Ancient Fars
  • D.T. Potts, Race and Racialism in Ancient Elam: some Observationson the Archers Frieze at Susa
  • M. Rahbar, The Sasanian Tower of Silence at Bandian: a Refutationof the Excarnation Theory
  • E.W. Sauer, J. Nokandeh, H.O. Rekavandi, The Military Origins ofCities on the Sasanian Empire’s Northern Frontiers
  • .J. Wiesehöfer, Iran: Remarks on the Importance of a Major Area between550 BCE and 650 CE.

Armenia, Iraq & Centra Asia

  • Badalyan, Some Notes on the Statues of a Bull and a Cow with ItsCalf in the Haldi Temple of Musasir
  • H.-P. Francort, Sur les traces de sphinx centrasiatiques en Bactriane,dans l’Altaï, au Xinjiang, et du Martichoras en Bactriane et enInde (IVe Siècle BCE-I/IIe Siècle CE)
  • A. Invernizzi, The Adiabenian Rider. A Note on the Parthian Rock Reliefat Khinis-Bavian
  • A. Ivantchik, Iranians in the Bosporus: a New Inscription of the Roman Period
  • B. Kaim, Stucco Decoration in the Fire Temple at Mele Hairam
  • C. Lippolis, The Layout of Parthian Nisa: an Updated Overview
  • C. Lo Muzio, The “Red Hall” Murals in the Varakhsha Palace(Bukhara Oasis): Hints for a New Reading
  • P.B. Lurje, A Worship Scene on the Wall of Hisorak Palace
  • B. Lyonnet, Questions on the Origin of the Iron Age Circular Fortressesin Central Asia and of Monumental Architecture in Sogdiana
  • V. Messina, Polis o Cosmopoli? Percezioni e realtà della città anticoorientaledi età ellenistica
  • C. Rapin, Sources antiques sur Maracanda-Zariaspa (La Sogdianeentre Spitamène et Alexandre Le Grand)
  • F. Sinisi, Cesura e innovazione nella glittica e nella numismatica del Nord-Ovest indiano tra epoca saka-pahlava e kushana
  • G. Vignato, Boundaries and Gates in Rock Monasteries Kucha as a Case Study


  • Ashraf Khan, T. Saeed, The Contribution of the Italian ArchaeologicalMission in Swat (Pakistan): a Tribute to Pierfrancesco Callieri
  • S. Baums, The Dharmarājika Bowl and Slab from Butkara I
  • P. Brancaccio, Between Storytelling and Performance. The Narrativeof the Buddha’s Life in Urbanized Gandhara
  • O. Coloru, Demetrio Rex Indorum, Menandro I e Barikot. Un’ipotesidi lavoro
  • A. Filigenzi, Il Tempio Vishnuita di Barikot: nuovi dati archeologicie qualche riflessione sul paesaggio identitario
  • Ghani-ur-Rahman, A Fitting Tribute to Pierfrancesco Callieri
  • E. Iori, The Achaemenid “Mirage” in Gandhāra: a Study of the 5th-4th Century BCE Pottery from Barikot
  • L.M. Olivieri, M. Minardi, Scavare a Barikot. Le fasi tardo-antiche
  • C.A. Petrie, Regional Variations in the Ceramic Assemblages of theBorderlands of Pakistan during the Hindu-Shahi and Early IslamicPeriods. Some Observations about Barikot and Akra, and theBroader Patterns They Reveal
  • M. Vidale, R. Micheli, Out of Context, but Part of a Broader Picture.A Hand-Axe from Late Bronze Age Barikot